We were pleased to have Bobbi Drew, Regional Councillor and Deputy Mayor, come and give a talk to our Club. She opened with letting us know about all the projects she is involved with that comes with her position. She represents Scugog Township down in Whitby. She touched on the fact that the Sewage Capacity Project is still underway and by the end of 2016, we will see some finalizations of this project. She also spoke about the Secondary plan to deal with the expansion of the community -- specifically 850 new household units. Bobbi had a diagram of new condominiums (mixed with commercial space) that are proposed to be built on Simcoe. There are 2 new subdivisions that are in the works that were previously not allowed to be built because of the lack of sewage capacity. And finally, she gave us some quick facts about our local area. Thanks Bobbi for joining us!