2023 Annual Memorial Classic Sponsorship
Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 at Wolf Run Golf Course
Platinum Sponsor - $5000
Sponsor featured prominently in the event Reception area, Social Media Posts, and fully featured at the highest frequency on the new Rotary website’s Rotating Marquee (will link directly back to the sponsor’s business).
Opportunity to offer promotional items the sponsor sees fit during the welcome reception, lunch, and dinner.
Gold Sponsors - $1500
Sponsors featured prominently in the event Reception area, Social Media Posts, and the new Rotary website’s Rotating Marquee beneath the Diamond sponsor (will link directly back to the sponsor’s business).
Welcome Gift Sponsor will have the opportunity to co-brand the gift with the Rotary Club or if limited in space (Golf Balls), branded with their logo.
Dinner Sponsor will also have signage prominently displayed at the dinner event and thanked by Rotary during the event.
Lunch Sponsor will also have signage prominently displayed at the lunch event and thanked by Rotary during the event.
Silver Sponsors - $1000
Sponsors featured in the event Reception area, Social Media Posts, and the new Rotary website’s Rotating Marquee beneath the Gold and Diamond sponsors (will link directly back to sponsor’s business).
Putting Contest Sponsor may run the contest as they see fit. Offer prizes, hand out cards, literature, etc.
Cart Sponsors may travel in the cart with a Wolf Run Employee offering drinks and handing out literature or cards as they see fit.
Passport Sponsors will be featured on actual passports as well as featured in reception/prize area.
Bronze Sponsors - $500
Sponsors featured in the event Reception area, Social Media Posts, and the new Rotary website’s Rotating Marquee (will link directly back to sponsor’s business).
Silent Auction Gift Sponsor Sponsor signage featured with auction item as well as above.
Raffle Prize Sponsor Sponsor signage featured with prize item as well as above.
Hole Sponsors signage at the hole and the run of their location to hand out cards and literature as they see fit.